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Program Overview

Rimonim Shabbat Mornings

Zera’im / זרעים / Seeds (Ages 0 - 2)

Weekly Saturday Morning Tefillah / Prayer - Zera’im weekly Shabbat morning tefillah / prayer, “Seeds of Prayer,” takes place at 10:45 AM in the Nursery. Until then, Zera'im and Nevatim children are welcome to free play in the nursery with parent supervision.





Nevatim / נבטים / Buds (3K - Pre-K)

Weekly Saturday Morning Tefillah / Prayer - Nevatim weekly Shabbat morning tefillah / prayer takes place at 10:45 AM in the North Room 





Nitzanim / ניצנים / Sprouts (K - 2nd Grade)

Weekly Shabbat Morning Tefillah / Prayer - Nitzanim weekly Shabbat morning tefillah and parashat hashavua (weekly Torah portion) study takes place at 10:00 AM in the Magaw Room with educator Sawyer Goldsmith.



Shorashim / שורשים / Roots (3rd - 5th Grade)

Weekly Shabbat Morning Tefillah / Prayer - Shorashim weekly Shabbat morning tefillah and parashat hashavua (weekly Torah portion) study takes place at 10:00 AM in Room 205 with educator Lilinaz Evans.




Anafim / ענפים / Branches (6th - 12th Grade)

Weekly Shabbat Morning - As our Anafim students are approaching their B'nei Mitzvah years, they are invited to join the congregation during davening on Shabbat mornings as well as take up volunteer roles and honors!

We also team up with Hebrew Tabernacle and the Y for a variety of social hangouts, community service activities, and more.



Rimonim Torah School

Afterschool sessions in the 2023-2024 school year will meet from 4:00-6:00pm on Wednesday afternoons at the Fort Washington Collegiate campus, corner of 181st Street and Fort Washington Ave.  Nitzanim (K-2nd Grade) and Shorashim (3rd-5th Grade) will meet separately in two different classes. We are happy to help you coordinate transportation with other families who might be coming from the same school as your child.

Hebrew Partners Online is how we teach Hebrew literacy at Rimonim Torah School! Students work solo or in pairs in a live Zoom session with our tutor for 30 minutes a week. Families who pair up can share the tutor’s fee. If you choose to opt in, we will connect you with our Hebrew Language Specialist to coordinate a schedule that suits your family.

Family Beit Midrash is a four-part Shabbat afternoon program that is also part of the Rimonim Torah School. Enrolled families come together after FTJC's Shabbat morning services for a special Shabbat lunch and additional learning with our educators and our clergy team. Children and their grownups learn special topics both together and apart, showing children that learning about Torah and Judaism is a value for the whole family. It's also a lovely opportunity to build Jewish community among our school families.

For more info about Rimonim Torah School or to register please visit the RTS page here.

Racial Justice Parenting Group

Rimonim's Racial Justice Parenting Group emerged from our parent community's desire to support each other in raising anti-racist Jewish youth.  We have a WhatsApp group which serves to both share recommended resources and be a space of support. We also host volunteer-led workshops and discussions. Please email Ilana with questions or to join the group.

Do you want to find out more about Rimonim? E-mail us at

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785