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FTJC Oral History Project

Although the Fort Tryon Jewish Center has been renewed and revitalized in recent years with many young singles, couples, and families, we are also a synagogue with a storied past and have been an anchor of the Washington Heights-Inwood community since our founding in 1938.

We interviewed some of our longtime members to capture FTJC's heritage through story.


Judge Ed Lehner Headshot

Judge Ed Lehner

Dorothy Kestenbaum Headshot

Dorothy Kestenbaum

Jack Murad Headshot

Jack Murad

Jack Green Headshot

Jack Greene

Karen Greene Headshot

Karen Greene

Kay Gardiner Headshot

Kay Gardiner

Linda Hirsch Headshot

Linda Hirsch

Morris Garneck Headshot

Morris Garnek

Beatriz Abraham Headshot

Beatriz Abraham


Oral histories collected in 2013-2016 by FTJC member Karen Greene, with Halley Goldberg and Chevi Marks of the YM/YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood's Partners in Caring program, which is supported by UJA-Federation of NY. All photos © 2017 Karen Greene.


FTJC Oral History Podcast, December 2020

Completed by FTJC member Diya Qazeili Moushahwar for a course in Memory Studies at New York University. 


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