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Niggunim - Melodies

FTJC Shabbat playlist on Spotify

Get familiar with newer, more contemporary melodies often heard at the Fort Tryon Jewish Center on Shabbat!

Go to Spotify playlist here


Shabbat Morning Audio Files

El Adon



Adon Olam



Adon Olam



Yismechu (Shabbat Musaf) by David Feinberg z"l


Motza'ei Shabbat

Psalms 145 and 67, German Custom


Additional Niggunim

Morris's Hidden Niggun (Morris Garnek)


Tisha B'Av Kinot

Meh Hayah Lanu



Eish Tukad Bekirbi



Eli Tziyon Ve'areiha



Al Eileh Ani Vochia


Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785