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While our services are quite traditional in liturgy, praying out of the Koren Sacks siddur, you will quickly notice that we are a fully egalitarian community with no mechitza or divider between women and men. We do ask that all men wear a kippah or head covering within the building. While we are an egalitarian community, we recognize the different practices of women in our congregation regarding head covering. However, we ask – not require – that everyone called to the Bimah or reader’s table for an honor or to participate as the shaliach tzibur or for any other honor wear a tallit (prayer shawl). If you do not have a tallit, please ask one of the gabbaim to help you locate one.

The congregation rises when the aron kodesh (Ark) is open, when the Torah is lifted or carried, and for the recitation of certain prayers. Page numbers are kept on a flip chart to the left of the aron kodesh. Occasionally these also get announced at times before certain prayers or during the reading of the Torah. If you get lost, though, feel free to ask for help.

We ask that you keep conversation to a minimum. This is especially important during Kaddish or mourner’s prayers and Kedusha during the recitation of the Amidah.

Policies and Practices

As a growing community, we pray together, learn together and evolve together. Part of this evolution is codified by our commitment to communal standards and practices. As these practices are formulated and agreed upon by our leadership, they will be posted here for reference.

Kashrut Practices

Tallit Wearing Practices

All-Gender Torah Service Liturgy

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785